Madiba's People is a collection of photographs taken during 2 time frames, the latest being 2011 - 2013 while I was living in the Eastern Cape, Wild Coast amongst the amaXhosa people in the rural apartheid era homelands (formerly known as the Transkei).
This set is called "Makhelwane (My neighbour)"
During the time I was teaching English and basic literacy to the local people and established a Reading Hut for the children in Coffee Bay. Please have a further look at my blog to read about my adventures here.
The earlier set is from an earlier project during 2007 - 2008 taken in the Cape Town townships of Khayelitsha and Imizamu Yethu, while photographing for the Niall Mellon Housing Township Trust.
This set is called "Ilungile (It is good)".
Any prints can be ordered directly from me. A 40 page Madiba's People postcard booklet is also available to purchase. Direct any enquiries to me at
Thank you for your interest and support!