Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The following pictures were taken during 3 weeks spent in Greece, (Athens, Crete and throughout the provinces of Messinia and Calamata for Operation Joshua.)  
We were a group of about 150 people from all over the world (SA, America, Canada, Romania, China, Greece, Australia, Holland etc.) delivering 44 000 New Testament Bibles to more than 300 villages in  2 provinces of mainland Greece.  Some Bibles were received with gratitude, but a lot with distrust and we got thrown with Bibles at places and some just ended up in the trash.  We pray that the people will have open hearts to the truth about Jesus and be set free, as the Word that landed on fruitful ground will come alive and spread like wildfire!
For more information visit


開心果 said...

希望能有更多心得與我們分享~ ....................................................

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